Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 20, 2008 update

Dad had the privelege of having both of his chest tubes removed. Our joy from yesterday was a bit premature because his temperature did not stay down. We are still hopeful for his surgery early this week. Dad still needs lots of help and support, so please continue with your prayers and faith on his behalf. Thank you so much for all of your support.



Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
That stinks that his temp is up again. We will keep him in our prayers of course. I wanted you guys to know that we look at the website every day and read every comment.
We had Aunt Vicki's bbq tonight for dinner and I couldn't help but remember some fun family times together eating sloppy joes or having a wiener roast in the valley. I expect you to be ready for a hug from me Uncle Steve when we come visit this summer. I wish we weren't so far away.

Take care.
Debbie Southwick Corry
Vienna, VA

Anonymous said...

hi tell him to get better!!!love cheyanne

My thoughts said...


How I wish you would just open your eye's and smile. Okay that sounded really corny but hey that is how I am. Just wanted you to know that we have been praying for you and hope that they find the reason for your temperature soon. It wouldn't it be cool if you would pin point the problem and then let us know. You are very important to me and my family and we love you very much.

Love Holly, Shawn, Michael, and Anna