Friday, April 25, 2008

April 25, 2008 update

Everything here is pretty much the same. No new pokings or proddings to report. And, on the positive side, no infections! (Good job Dad!) After his very busy day yesterday, the nurses are just letting him rest. Sleep is a good thing for him at this point.

We're looking forward to seeing many of you at the benefit tomorrow. Mom and most of the family will be there.

Thank you all so very much for your love, support and prayers,

Cheri, Scott, Wendy and Steve

P.S. For those who haven't heard, the breakfast benefit for Dad will be from 8-11 a.m. at the Lincoln County Courthouse lawn in Shoshone. Any questions, call Heather Hoskisson at 309-2276.


Anonymous said...

GOOD I'LL BE ABLE TO HUG YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all I want you to know Steve that your family doesn't know how to tell time. I've heard of Mormon Standsard Time and Dietrich Standard time, but this has to beat them all. The benefit time didn't hold a candle to the time that was announced. Steve, I want you to really scold your family for allowing this benefit to stop so obrutly at 10:30 a.m. As a good mom, I was busy doing mom stuff like laundry and when I had the first two loads of laundry done, I went over to the benefit at 10:30 knowing that I still had half an hour to get something to eat and to enjoy the benefit. NOOO. There was not a single bite to find. There were so many people there that I couldn't even get my scooter close enough to see what was being auctioned off. Just when I would get close enough to look, the papers were being pulled. The auction was over! Steve, tell your family that 11:00 am means 11:00 am. I didn't realize that Southwick time was so different than the rest of the world.

Actually, I'm really not complaining. I was very impressed and pleased to see so many people come out to support you and your family and share their love. You would have been proud to know of the many, many generous donations that were given. Things like a quarter beef, a stove, furniture, etc...

If I have any complaint, it is to myself for not going earlier. I did however, get in a wonderful visit with Cheri and Robin and Verlon and your children. I even got to meet Brianni's fiance.

You are very loved Steve which was very evident at the wonderful turnout at your benefit.

You should have just gotten a ride down to Shoshone and seen for yourself. Someone would have been happy to take you back when it was over.

Love you Steve,

Melody Russell