Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10th update

Steve had a CT of his head and chest yesterday afternoon. They found fluid around his lungs. They put a chest tube in each lung. When they did they got one liter of fluid from each lung. The chest tubes should stay in until after his surgery. This should help him breathe much easier.
Thanks for your continued prayers,


jturpin said...

We are praying for your whole family! and especially for Steve.

We hope that he continues to improve.

We Love you and will keep you in our thoughts

Jason, Shelly, Becca, Sammi, Jessi, Izzy, and Joy Turpin

Anonymous said...

When I started working at the Courthouse several years ago I was pretty homesick and felt pretty out of place there.
Steve made me feel welcome and soon felt at home. His kind heart never lacked for kind words.
I will keep you all in my prayers.
Ruth Petruzzelli

Anonymous said...

Hello Cheri and Family; Just checked in to see if progress is happening. Sounds like slow but steady. It was good to see you on Tuesday. Keep us posted. We love you. S&A W

Anonymous said...

I always remember babysitting for you years ago and Steve made me wait to get in the pu until he came around and opened the door for me. I was so embarrassed by the attention but what an example of a gentleman. We love and appreciate your family and the time you spend in service to our community. Our prayers are with you all. Devan & Kris Hubert

Anonymous said...

We await daily to read and hear of Steve's progress. Our prayers are with you and your family... We believe in miracles and pray for you to have yours..We wish we were closer in distance..Please keep the updates coming. .We love you Rodney and Penny

Anonymous said...

We too are praying each day for Steve, and for you, Cheri. This can be almost as hard on you as on Steve. May God bless you both.

Roy and Nedra

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